FINALLY. Sorry, January, you aren't my favorite month. I shouldn't complain, at least I had a 2-week choir tour to keep me occupied for the majority of this normally ho-hum month, but after getting back last weekend and spending the last week-and-a-half doing nothing but job hunting, interviewing, and a whole lot of nothing else, I'm excited for a change. There's just something about flipping over the page in my calendar and seeing a new picture and a new month. Plus, I just have a feeling that February is going to be a good one!
First of all, I have an orientation for my job today! Hooray! I am going to be hostess (and eventually a server as well) at a local adorable Italian restaurant here in town. The owners and staff are so nice and friendly, and I feel like it's going to be a great place to work! Not only that, but I was called unexpectedly yesterday from somewhere else I applied in order to set up an interview for tomorrow! I won't give too many details because I don't want to jinx it, but this place is one of my favorite stores (and one of the few good stores actually IN Decatur) and they have really cute clothes :) I would love to have a few shifts a week there, too! Yay opportunity! And yay to finally being able to save some money! And shop of course.... y'know... responsibly ;)
Another great thing about February? Valentine's Day, of course! The fiancé and I don't usually do anything über special for V-day (and he won't be back from Texas yet anyway, unfortunately), but I just like the holiday. I always loved it as a kid - getting to decorate a box for your Valentine's, picking out fun Valentine's (mine usually had horses or puppies and kittens on them), and getting gobs and gobs of candy and chocolate. Score. Yeah, yeah, yeah, I know we should show love everyday, but I also like to buy into the consumerism part of Valentine's Day, and I have so much fun doing it! Not to mention, it's an excuse (let's be real, I don't really need an excuse to bake) to bake adorable Valentine's treats! I'm dying to try these out from Pinterest:
Or these!!!
I just love Holiday treats. I mean, I love treats in general, but there's something much more special about them around the holidays, dontcha think?
February will also (hopefully!) bring a weekend trip to the beautiful city of Chicago to see my lovely friend, Jordan's, senior recital! I love love LOVE the city (used to live there.... why did I move again???) and I love love LOVE Jordan. In fact, she is one of my bridesmaids! She was one of the people I really hit it off with when I went to school at CCPA, and thankfully we've been able to remain close and visit each other once in awhile!
The lovely Jordan and I after my senior recital in November. She's such a good friend for making the trip in general, but I give her extra points becuase she came to visit me in Decatur when she could just stay in Chicago. hahahaha. Seriously, though, there's no comparison between the two places. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out which one is better!
One of my favorite places. Isn't it beautiful? Seriously, why did I move again??? Can someone please tell me?

Gahh! Isn't she gorgeous? Her voice is, too. I really really hope I can go!
Last, but not least, my fiancé's birthday is in February, on the 26th. And he might even be back in time for it! FINGERS CROSSED. This long distance thing has been hard, and I haven't seen him since Thanksgiving! Ugh. Originally he was going to be in Texas til May and I was going to move down there and he was just going to come visit for his birthday, but his plans changed and he decided to move back up here! His first idea was March 10th, but he's planted the idea in my head that he might be back end of February. You would think that would make me feel better, which it does, but now I'm even more impatient for him to be here, if you can imagine. Regardless of when he gets here, the new month of February means he is that much closer to being back. Now it's down to 1 month instead of a month-and-a-half, or 2 months, or whatever else. I am so so so excited! :)
Yeah, this month is going to be great. I feel so lucky and blessed, even if this post-graduate life is a little awkward and weird at the moment. I'm ok with it, because I know I have people in my life who make it the best ever.
Happy February! <3
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