Last Thursday I flew to San Diego to surprise one of my best friends, Chelsea, for her birthday! I had been wanting to visit her in SD ever since she moved there a few years ago, but with school, moving, and all sorts of other things, I hadn't been able to. I saw her this past Christmas for like, 2 seconds, when I hadn't seen her in a year-and-a-half - the longest we've ever been apart :( Sad day. Around March or so my mom had got together with Chelsea's mom (they're friends too - isn't that cute?) and told me that her parents planned on visiting her for her birthday weekend. Then I thought, "How fun would it be if I went with them and surprised her??" So that's exactly what I did :) I booked my ticket in March and somehow kept it a secret, though there were a few times when I would talk to her that I just wanted to burst with my exciting news. It was well worth it to not tell her though, because she was seriously surprised. I went on the same flights as her parents to make it easier, and they had fun helping me surprise her, too :) Her parents are basically my second parents, and it was such a fun weekend spending time with both of them and Chelsea in absolutely beautiful weather. Chelsea lives in Pacific Beach and it is such a fun area - we walked around a bunch, shopped in some cute shops, visited Chelsea at the boat show when she had to work (she works for Marine Max, a company that sells boats/yachts), had a fun night out for her birthday, ate a ton, and relaxed even more. We even got to take a $1.2 million yacht out for a spin! I am also so glad I decided to surprise Chelsea because we really haven't gotten a lot of time together in the last couple of years, and I was so happy to be there for her birthday and just spend some quality girl time with her. I can't wait to visit again - hopefully sooner than later!

[So excited to be reunited!] |
[Acai bowl with granola, banana, pineapple, mango, coconut, and honey. Basically the best thing ever] |
[View of the Padres stadium from a rooftop bar in downtown San Diego] |
[Just me in the master suite of the $1.2 million yacht] |
[We decided we should go in on it together.....] |
[Enjoying a bloody mary on a rooftop with a view of the ocean... perfection] |
[Tod, the apartment complex cat, sporting one of my necklaces] |
[Starting out birthday celebrations with a vodka red bull slushy... yikes] |
[The morning after and the ultimate hangover breakfast.. also I'm a fatty. I really like breakfast, ok?!?!?] |
[Wave House for Chelsea's birthday] |
[Second family] |
[Driving the yacht. I was terrified. I did not want to be the one responsible for crashing that thing hahaha] |
[At Chelsea's birthday dinner at Il Fornaio] |
[Last night] |
[Delish ice cream sandwich from Baked Bear: a funfetti cookie and snickerdoodle cookie with strawberry ice cream in the middle. YUM] |
[On our flight home we just happened to pick seats all together! It was fate]
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